• Transform magazine
  • February 19, 2025


Pelago rebrand aims to remove the stigma of substance use

A LINE Pelago Tote Mid Tiny

Formerly known as Quit Genius, the world’s leading digital clinic for substance use management turned to global branding and design studio A LINE to design a new optimistic brand. Hoping to craft an approachable and accessible identity, A LINE was responsible for redesigning the name, logo and typeface.

With nearly half of all American workers having experienced personal or family problems involving substance or alcohol use, Quit Genius was created to give help to those who need it most. The company partners with employers to provide discreet, personalised substance use care through its physician-led care, technology and medication-assisted treatment offerings.

The problem for the brand, which A LINE’s work had remedy, was the negative stigma that still prevails regarding those who suffer from tobacco, alcohol or opioid use disorders. The studio sought to create a new category that could change the conversation all together. In crafting the brand idea ‘You’re not an island’, A LINE believes it resulted in the creation of a strategic platform grounded in empathy and connection.

The ‘island’ is linked to its new name, ‘Pelago’ (archipelago), which refers to islands that have moved away from the continent to which they were attached, but remain close enough to be connected and supported.

It was decided that the new identity should feel fresh, modern and optimistic. A LINE hopes this is reflected in the new logo which is built around a series of connected ovals that represent the islands in an archipelago.

Elsewhere, the colour palette pairs hero colour ‘Pelago yell-o’ with approachable earth tones, while the new typefaces aim to be memorable and unique. Another inclusions are bespoke quirky illustrations and a photographic style that is warm and honest.


Yusuf Sherwani, M.D., CEO and Co-founder of Pelago, says, “Substance use is widely misunderstood, but there is research to support that employers have an advantage in successfully initiating treatment rather than friends or family.

“The time is now for employers to realise that they have a unique opportunity to offer their employees the right benefits and break the long-held stigmas around substance use that have kept many from getting the help they need.”
