• Transform magazine
  • February 19, 2025


Transform Conference Europe


Transform Conference Europe

Transform Conference Europe



Registration and breakfast


Welcome and opening address

Publishing editor of Transform magazine opens the conference and highlights the key themes for the day.

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Andrew Thomas
publishing editor
Transform magazine


Transform Tales: British Steel

The fate of Europe’s second largest steel producer, Tata Steel, was a regular feature in the national news in 2016.  When Greybull Capital stepped in and bought the business over 4,000 jobs were saved and the organisation was rebranded as British Steel. Ruth Henstock, head of communications at British Steel shares the journey the organisation embarked upon. She will talk about the strategy behind the design and how the enployees were kept involved after a turbulent time.


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Ruth Henstock
head of communications
British Steel


Branding in the circular economy: how brands will need to adapt to a new economic reality.

The circular economy represents a $4.5 trillion opportunity, but the business and marketing community is only just starting to grasp its potential. Nick Liddell, director of consulting at The Clearing brand consultancy introduces the circular economy and how it has the potential to transform the future of branding.


Nick Liddell
director of consulting
The Clearing


Transform Tales: Action for Children

As one of the UK’s largest children’s charities, Action for Children had a surprisingly low level of brand awareness. The organisation needed a refresh to get back into the public’s eye. In the second rebranding case study of the day, we hear how Action for Children created a new identity that demonstrates the difference it makes to hundreds of thousands children’s lives. Attendees will learn how the new brand altered corporate strategy and inspired a new narrative for campaigns.


Sheona Michie
head of brand and marketing
Action for Children


Tea and Coffee break


Heritage vs challenger brands

Energetic new brands often pursue exciting ideas and brave branding strategies, but veteran companies can build upon a wealth of experience when approaching brand communications. How can these types of companies learn from each other? What is the value of experience in branding? Delegates will hear from two brands: one that uses its heritage to evolve its brand image, the other that is challenging conventions and breaking boundaries


Sara Gordon
brand and creative director
Bloom & Wild

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Simon Manchipp
Executive Strategic Creative Director & Founder


Destination branding

Countries, regions, cities and districts can all have their own identity. But, as places aren’t normally owned by a single entity, creating a brand can be challenging. With multiple stakeholders at play with different interests, how can destinations adopt successful strategies that satisfy how a place wishes to be perceived now and in the future? The expert panel in this session address the complexities of branding a place to meet the demands of governments, business districts and tourists. The speakers will draw from practical experience and demonstrate how creativity and strategy working together lead to success.



Phil Batty
director of public engagement and legacy
Hull UK - City of Culture 2017


Olivia O'Toole
head of leisure marketing and strategic partnerships
London & Partners


Mari Stevens
director of marketing
Visit Wales


Verbal Identity

Brand owners increasingly realise they need a coherent verbal identity as much as a visual one to make a strong impression. Put your hand over the logo, do you know which brand is talking to you? 



Andy Biernacki
head of brand
Vauxhall Motors


Al Hussain
senior strategist
Verbal Identity


Networking lunch


Is retail dead?

There has been a big shift in the way we shop. We can buy anything at the touch of a button, at any time of day. The touchpoints for brands have changed and boundaries have broken down. How can brands embrace advances in technology, meet the expectations and demands of Gen Z and create meaningful experiences? The conference opens by delving into the fascinating world of retail. Delegates can expect to hear about robots, virtual reality, creating new communities and connected shops.



James Gold
Skinnydip London

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Sylvia Lago
strategy director


Transform Tales: Southbank Centre

Delegates will be taken on one more brand transformation journey. This session we will hear from Southbank Centre.


Gale Foster
head of design and brand
Southbank Centre


The promise of purpose

Increasingly, organisations want to show that they exist for a purpose beyond driving sales and making money. But can brands deliver on their promises?  The final session of the day explores how taking on a higher purpose can help develop business strategy and demonstrate authentic brand values. Attendees will learn how one brand successfully united its overall mission with its social purpose.



Kate Dale
head of brand and digital strategy
Sport England (this girl can)


Conference round up and finish

Andrew Thomas
publishing editor
Transform magazine


Tea and Coffee with a chance to network with the speakers, your fellow delegates and exhibitors

When & where


Date: 19 September 2017

Venue: VSC, 63-79 Seymour Street, London, W2 2HF, United Kingdom


There are several sponsorship opportunities available for the Transform conference in London. Please contact Andrew Thomas if you would like to be involved.

Supporting Partners

If you are interested in being a supporting partner for the Transform conference, please contact Michelle Kibble