• Transform magazine
  • February 19, 2025


Stamp of approval as Pitney Bowes rebrands

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In November 1920, the U.S. Congress officially approved post featuring mechanised stamps, thus affirming the transformation of American postal solutions. Pitney Bowes, thus born from the decision, began life as the purveyors of franking and post metering machines.

A mere 95 years later, the company is redefining its role in order to meet the demands of modern business. Alongside that repositioning, Pitney Bowes has also introduced a new logo – its first in 40 years and third in history. FutureBrand and DigitasLBi both worked with the Stamford, Conn.-headquartered company to reposition itself in advance of its second century of business.

The goal, according to president and chief exec Marc Lautenbach, is to reflect the brand heritage the company is privy too while still emphasising the new services on offer and direction in which it is proceeding. He says, “Our new brand strategy and identity not only reflect who we are today, but also where we are going in the future.”

Thus the new logo has drawn on a similar motif – of diagrammatic lines – but incorporates a rippling effect into the new wordmark, signifying forward motion. It also, perhaps unintentionally, calls on the visual characteristics of the standard, round mechanical postal mark for which Pitney Bowes is most renowned.

The corporate website received treatment from DigitasLBi, which revamped the user journey while emphasising Pitney Bowes’ changed positioning. It displays traditional franking services alongside data management and CRM options.

Abby Kohnstamm, EVP and CMO at Pitney Bowes, says, “The new brand strategy will clarify our role in the changing world of commerce, emphasising the interplay between physical and digital communications and also spotlighting emerging technology areas such as location intelligence, customer information management and cross-border commerce where Pitney Bowes provides industry leading solutions.  Importantly, the new brand differentiates Pitney Bowes and makes us more relevant around the world.”